January 28, 2025, Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Record of Proceedings

Foothills Park & Recreation District Regular Board of Directors meeting
January 28, 2025
A virtual attendance option was made available through Microsoft Teams.

Call to Order

Director Trimble called the regular meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

Pledge of Allegiance

Director Trimble led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.

Roll Call

Director Hanson, Present; Director Lodice, Absent; Director Daughtrey, Present (virtual); Director Writz, Present; Director Trimble, Present.

Also in Attendance: Paul Rufien, District Counsel; Ronald Hopp, Executive Director; Dennis Weiner, Director of Finance and Administrative Services; Becky Richmond, Director of Recreation; Derek Eberhardt, Assistant Director of Recreation; Colin Insley, Director of Parks, Planning and Construction; Randy Meyers, Director of Golf; Richelle Riley, Recording Secretary; other Foothills staff and members of the public.

Potential conflicts of interest were disclosed pursuant to Colorado Revised Statutes 18-8-308(2), 24-18-109(3)(a), 24-18-110, and 32-1-902(3).

Approval of Agenda

Motion: Director Writz moved that the Foothills Board of Directors approve the January 28, 2025 agenda as submitted. Director Hanson seconded the motion. Poll of the Board: Director Hanson, yes; Director Daughtrey, yes; Director Writz, yes; Director Trimble, yes. The motion was approved.

Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes

Motion: Director Hanson moved that the Foothills Board of Directors approve the minutes of the December 10, 2024 board meeting as submitted. Director Writz seconded the motion. Poll of the Board: Director Hanson, yes; Director Daughtrey, yes; Director Writz, yes; Director Trimble, yes. The motion was approved.

Community Comments

Item 1: Foothills Foundation Check Presentation

Justin Phillips, Foothills Foundation, said the foundation exists to volunteer and to raise money for Foothills Park & Recreation District. He announced that this year the foundation is giving $40,000 back to the District which is the most they have given in a long time. Mr. Phillips thanked the sponsors that made this happen, and thanked all their volunteers and board members, past and present.

On behalf of the Board, Director Trimble thanked the Foothills Foundation for the work they do all year, for their generosity and sharing this with the District.

Foothills Foundation members were introduced: Justin Phillips, President; Scott Lamer, Dave Carlson, Gary Fuller, Denny Brehm, Brandon Fernandez, Mike Gruenke. The check was presented to the Board, and photos were taken.

Addressing the Board, Nancy Werkmeister said the last time she addressed the Board she discussed the bathroom conditions at Foothills Golf Course on holes 6 and 16. She thanked the Board because the bathrooms look wonderful. She recognized that Randy Meyers has been instrumental in advocating for the golf courses. Ms. Werkmeister expressed that the ladies will really appreciate the upgrade.

Decision Items

Item 1: May 6, 2025 Board Election Resolution

Referring to the memo in the packet, Ronald Hopp discussed that the District will have a board election on May 6, 2025. He detailed the resolution for the Board’s consideration outlining the key matters related to that election. Two board members will be elected, one will represent Ward 3 and serve a four-year term, and one will represent Ward 4 and serve a four-year term. Richelle Riley is appointed as the Designated Election Official, the election shall be conducted as a mail ballot election. The District’s election consultant and Paul Rufien have reviewed the election resolution.

In answer to Director Trimble, Mr. Hopp explained the only thing that has changed from previous board election resolutions is the state had changed the years of elections for board members from even years to odd years and there were three-year terms. Now it is back on track for four-year terms.

Motion: Director Hanson moved that the Foothills Board of Directors approve Resolution No. 25-001 appointing a Designated Election Official and authorizing the DEO to conduct the May 6, 2025 election as discussed. Director Writz seconded the motion. Poll of the Board: Director Hanson, yes; Director Daughtrey, yes; Director Writz, yes; Director Trimble, yes. The motion was approved.

Item 2: Memorial Bench Application

Referring to information in the packet, Colin Insley discussed that staff received a memorial bench request for Easton Regional Park. The bench is requested by Jason Newell in memory of his mother, Mr. Insley explained. The bench would replace an old wooden bench that is currently in the park.

Motion: Director Daughtrey moved that the Foothills Board of Directors approve the request from Jason Newell to place a memorial bench in Robert A. Easton Regional Park. Director Writz seconded the motion. Poll of the Board: Director Hanson, yes; Director Daughtrey, yes; Director Writz, yes; Director Trimble, yes. The motion was approved.

Executive Director’s Report

Highlighting the report provided, Mr. Hopp pointed out the District is having a job fair on Sunday, February 23rd.

Mr. Hopp noted the District is advertising for vendors to come to the April 12th Foothills Art Market, a new event at Foothills Fieldhouse.

Adding to the report, Mr. Hopp called attention to a DIVOT magazine article highlighting the new Foothills Golf Course Clubhouse. Regarding the clubhouse, Mr. Hopp said that hopefully on Thursday the new fireplace will be installed.

Mr. Hopp talked about an issue with the domestic hot water at Ridge Recreation Center. He discussed that the domestic hot water boiler is one of the items staff had identified as part of the end-of-life projects to be replaced during 2025. Staff are looking at some temporary solutions, Mr. Hopp explained.

Discussion Items

Item 1: Finance Update

Dennis Weiner presented the District’s financial update through December 31, 2024. Highlighting the report provided, he went over total operating revenues for the year, total operating expenditures, net operating loss, non-operating expenditures and revenues.

Mr. Weiner outlined net expenditures for the year. Net revenue was favorable to the budget for the year.

Item 2: 2025 Planned Capital Improvements and Equipment

Detailing information provided in the packet, Mr. Hopp recalled that as part of the 2025 budget, the Board approved funding for capital improvements and equipment, and presented a list that staff would like to pursue in 2025. Using a PowerPoint presentation, Mr. Hopp outlined capital improvements and equipment for Recreation; Parks, Planning & Construction; Golf. He answered questions from the Board. Information Technology items include Video Surveillance Software Licensing and Cameras, Mr. Hopp explained, and Mr. Weiner elaborated.

Mr. Hopp discussed funds going to reserves and funds not being allocated at this time, they will be saved for a future capital project. He talked about parking lot replacement projects throughout the District. Mr. Hopp discussed that staff are earmarking funds for a Phase 3 Esco HVAC project and referred to the boiler at the Ridge and other projects being looked at. He talked about funds for general facility repairs for things that come up during the year. Mr. Hopp demonstrated all items total the amount that was approved in the 2025 budget. He indicated if the Board has no objections to this list, staff will proceed with getting equipment purchased and proceed with those capital projects. Mr. Hopp recognized it is about taking care of things the District owns, continuing to invest in the things that we have. The Board had no objections.

Item 3: Year-end Quarterly Reports

Mr. Weiner reported the 2024 financials for the Administration department. He touched on highlights for Human Resources and Information Technology over the course of the year as provided in the packet.

Becky Richmond reported 2024 financial information for the Recreation Department. She provided highlights for Aquatics, Facility Operations, Arts and Events, Children’s Programs, Youth and Specialty Sports, Edge Ice Arena, and Indoor Sports as provided in the packet.

For 2025, Ms. Richmond called attention to the Foothills Arts Market that is coming in April. She indicated an adaptive baseball program is being brought back this spring, details on that will be coming soon.

Randy Meyers provided highlights for 2024 for Foothills Golf Course and Meadows Golf Club as provided in the packet. He talked about the new Foothills Clubhouse success, staffing at the golf courses and restaurants, and the increase in revenues. Mr. Meyers discussed the positive addition of the golf simulator at Foothills Golf Course.

Colin Insley reported overall 2024 finances for the Parks, Planning & Construction department. He highlighted the Planning projects, Pride in Our Parks, Fleet Services, Urban Parks, Kipling Villas, Regional Parks, Park Rangers, and Clement Park as provided in the packet.

Ronald Hopp discussed highlights from 2024 for the Marketing & Community Outreach department as provided in the packet. He expressed that in 2024, staff were really involved with achieving a 100 percent rating on WCAG 2.2 AA for digital accessibility on the District websites.

Executive Session

Item 1: Personnel Matters per 24-6-402(4)(f), C.R.S.

Motion: Director Hanson moved that the Foothills Board of Directors move into Executive Session per Colorado Revised Statute 24-6-402(4)(f) to discuss personnel matters. Director Writz seconded the motion. Poll of the Board: Director Hanson, yes; Director Daughtrey, yes; Director Writz, yes; Director Trimble, yes. The motion was approved.

Director Trimble announced there will be no business conducted after the Executive Session; the meeting will be adjourned.

The regular meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m. Executive Session started at 7:25 p.m. and ended at 7:55 p.m. The regular meeting reconvened at 7:56 p.m.


The regular meeting adjourned at 7:56 p.m. The next regular board meeting will be held at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 25, 2025.

Submitted by: Richelle Riley, Recording Secretary