Record of Proceedings
Foothills Park & Recreation District Regular Board of Directors meeting
November 14, 2023
A virtual attendance option was made available through Microsoft Teams.
Call to Order
Director Hanson called the regular meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance
Director Hanson led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.
Roll Call
Director Hanson: Present, Director Lodice: Absent, Director Daughtrey: Present, Director Writz: Present, Director Trimble: Present (virtual)
Also in Attendance: Paul Rufien, District Counsel (virtual); Ronald Hopp, Executive Director; Becky Richmond, Director of Recreation; Derek Eberhardt, Assistant Director of Recreation; Dennis Weiner, Director of Finance and Administrative Services; Colin Insley, Director of Parks, Planning and Construction; Randy Meyers, Director of Golf; Richelle Riley, Recording Secretary; other Foothills staff and members of the public.
Potential conflicts of interest were disclosed pursuant to Colorado Revised Statutes 18-8-308(2), 24-18-109(3)(a), 24-18-110, and 32-1-902(3).
Approval of Agenda
Motion: Director Daughtrey moved that the Foothills Board of Directors approve the November 14, 2023 agenda as submitted. Director Writz seconded the motion. Poll of the Board: Director Hanson, yes; Director Daughtrey, yes; Director Writz, yes; Director Trimble, yes. The motion was approved.
Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
Motion: Director Daughtrey moved that the Foothills Board of Directors approve the minutes of the October 24, 2023 board meeting as submitted. Director Writz seconded the motion. Poll of the Board: Director Hanson, yes; Director Daughtrey, yes; Director Writz, yes; Director Trimble, yes. The motion was approved.
Community Comments
There were no community comments.
Decision Items
Item 1: Board Policy Manual Review/Update
Referring to the memo provided, Ronald Hopp discussed that at the last two meetings, staff had for the Board’s consideration a variety of board policies that are part of the Board Policy Manual. In September, the Board chose to defer consideration of those particular board policies to the October meeting. At the October meeting, the Board was asked to consider all of those previous policies as well as new policies. There was discussion about the Code of Conduct and at the end of the discussion, the motion that was made and seconded was to approve the Code of Conduct policy but no other policies, Mr. Hopp explained.
Mr. Hopp indicated staff understood the spirit of the Board, the conversation was that all the policies should be considered and approved but the motion did not include approval of all the other policies. To be prudent and transparent, staff wanted to bring it back and ask for consideration of all of those other policies, aside from the Code of Conduct policy which was approved at the previous meeting.
Mr. Hopp reminded that in the case of all of the policies that were previously presented, staff had no recommended changes other than the Review and Approval of Contracts and Agreements that was presented in October, and discussed.
Motion: Director Daughtrey moved that in the effort to update the Board Policy Manual, the Foothills Board of Directors approve the attached policy recommendations as discussed. Director Writz seconded the motion. Poll of the Board: Director Hanson, yes; Director Daughtrey, yes; Director Writz, yes; Director Trimble, yes. The motion was approved.
Item 2: Memorial Bench Application
Referring to information in the packet, Colin Insley discussed an application from Ann Johnson requesting to place a memorial bench in tribute to her husband at Harriman Lake Park. Mr. Insley pointed out a location map, and said it would be replacing an old bench that is there currently.
Motion: Director Daughtrey moved that the Foothills Board of Directors approve the application for Ann Johnson to place a memorial park bench with plaque at Harriman Lake Park. Director Writz seconded the motion. Poll of the Board: Director Hanson, yes; Director Daughtrey, yes; Director Writz, yes; Director Trimble, yes. The motion was approved.
Executive Director’s Report
Highlighting the report provided in the packet, Mr. Hopp discussed Proposition HH, it did fail on November 7, 2023. Since it did fail, we thought that we would have some additional property taxes that would help us with capital and operations. However, the Governor has now called a special session starting this Friday, November 17th, Mr. Hopp discussed. In terms of the budget process, Mr. Hopp indicated we thought that we would be back on the regular schedule and the Board potentially would consider budget approval on the second Tuesday of December. With Proposition HH, we thought we may have to do a special meeting, it is possible that might be the case because if they make changes to the overall assessments, they may have to give county assessors more time to provide the District assessed valuations. Mr. Hopp said staff will make adjustments accordingly, and discussed. He reiterated we will plan to have our board meeting December 12th.
Boo-rific Bash and Splash was successful. Mr. Hopp recognized that Director Writz brought her family.
Mr. Hopp reminded that we have a holiday breakfast on December 6th and invited the board members to come from 9 – 11am at the Meadows restaurant.
Mr. Hopp observed the meeting room has been changed around, and invited feedback from the Board.
In answer to Director Hanson, Mr. Hopp discussed the resurfacing project on Simms Street.
Discussion Items
2024 Proposed Budget Presentations
Colin Insley introduced Parks, Planning & Construction staff who were in attendance, and had helped put the budget book together. Referring to the 2024 Budget Book for Parks, Planning & Construction, Mr. Insley summarized overall revenues and expenditures budgeted in 2024 for the department. He provided highlights and described each area; Parks Administration, Fleet Services, Urban Parks Maintenance, Regional Parks Maintenance, Kipling Villas Sub-District, Park Rangers, Clement Park.
In answer to Director Daughtrey, Mr. Insley talked about painting the shelters at Clement Park. In answer to Director Hanson, Kevin Wilks talked about coverage and benefit provided by the park rangers. In answer to Director Writz, Kevin Brown talked about Pickleball reservations. In answer to Director Daughtrey, Gary Ramos discussed graffiti in parks. Director Daughtrey indicated she would like to see the park rangers do a presentation at a board meeting.
Becky Richmond introduced the Recreation team in attendance who built the 2024 Recreation budget. Referring to the 2024 Budget Book, Ms. Richmond went over revenues and expenditures for the Recreation Department. She discussed individual program highlights for Arts, Events & Programs, Children’s Programs, Edge Ice Arena, Sports and Athletics, Indoor Sports, Facility Operations, Fitness, Aquatics.
In answer to Director Hanson, Derek Eberhardt talked about keeping pools open later in the season and staffing, Keith Dawson elaborated. Sean Kitners indicated there are no plans currently for disc golf.
Mr. Hopp commented that throughout the whole budget process, staff have been asking the Board if there are any meaningful changes they would like to see with the overall budget from an operational perspective, staff would like to know last month or this month since we’ll be moving from the preliminary budget to the final budget. Mr. Hopp went over things that will change for the final budget, and things that may change the budget timeline. Mr. Hopp discussed staff are in the process of determining capital carry-over from 2023 to 2024, and staff are asking for carry-over of favorable operating variance from 2023. He said capital recommendations will be brought forth to the Board in early 2024.
Director Daughtrey recommended the score board for swimming. Mr. Hopp assured staff made note of that and the tarp situation. He recognized those things are capital related.
Mr. Hopp indicated the final budget could be on December 12th, if there are significant updates of what the special session brings, staff will update the Board.
The regular meeting adjourned at 6:53pm. The next regular board meeting will be held at 6pm on Tuesday, December 12, 2023.
Submitted by: Richelle Riley, Recording Secretary