The rules listed below are applicable to all Foothills parks and properties.
Additional site specific rules may apply – see park signage or signs on park amenities for additional rules.
Park Rules & Policies
Created to provide the highest level of enjoyment for all park and trail users.
Park Hours: 5 a.m. – 10 p.m.
(except for authorized activities)
All State, wildlife and local laws apply.
Rules for Parks, Trails, Greenbelts and Open Spaces
Pets – leash, control and clean up after pets.
NO unauthorized vehicles.
NO glass containers.
The following activities are PROHIBITED:
- Dumping and littering
- Golfing
- Fireworks
- Alcoholic beverages (except Clement Park)
- Rockets or remote control devises – PERMIT ONLY at Easton Regional Park and Schaefer Athletic Complex
- Horses on irrigated turf
- Hunting or harassment of wildlife
- Contact with bodies of water/ice
- Ice Fishing
- Overnight camping – PERMIT ONLY at Schaefer Athletic Complex
- Fire (except for charcoal or gas grills)
- Misuse or modifying park property
- Openly carrying or discharging a devise with a projectile
Any unlawful act may be prosecuted under CRS 18-9-117.

Park Information: 303-409-2300
Emergencies: Call 911
Report Criminal Activity to:
Jefferson County Sheriff: 303-980-7300
Colorado Parks & Wildlife: 303-297-1192
Fishing Rules
Fishing is allowed at the following ponds and/or lakes:
- Harriman Lake – Harriman Lake Park
- Johnston Reservoir – Clement Park
- Hine Lake – Easton Regional Park
- Beers Sisters Reservoir – Blue Heron Park
- Wingate South Pond – Wingate South Park
(Ice fishing is prohibited on all Foothills ponds and lakes.)
All Colorado Division of Wildlife Rules and Regulations apply:
- Waders, Belly Boats, Boats are prohibited
- Contact with the water is prohibited at all parks.
Foothills Wildlife Management Plans include:
- Coyotes – by Colorado Parks & Wildlife
- Prairie Dog Management Plan
- Fishing Rules and Regulations – by Colorado Parks & Wildlife
- Please visit Colorado Parks & Wildlife for more information on
Living with Wildlife.